If you need new shingles on your roof, you may be considering alternatives that need more care than conventional shingles do. If you are going to be using wood shakes to replace your shingles, there are a few things to consider before you start. The following tips will help you choose the right tools and supplies to add a new shake roof to your home and replace the worn shingles:
Shake Roof Materials and Using Shakes with Special Treatments to Protect Your Home from Wear or Damage
Before you decide to just replace your old shingles with natural wood shake materials, you will want to consider the needs of your roof. Do you live in an area that gets a lot of rain and are their trees that provide shade during the hot summer? In these situations, pressure-treated wood shakes are a good option because they will be more resistant to decay due to moss and wet climates. If you live in a drier area, then pressure-treated shakes that have fire-retardants in them are another option to consider for the new shake roof on your home.
Decking and Moisture Barrier Underlayments That Help Protect Your Home from Potential Leaks and Energy Loss
The decking and moisture barriers are another area where you will want to consider making changes. First, consider installing rigid, energy-efficient sheathing to reduce energy loss. For the moisture barrier, use specially designed materials that are installed for each row of shakes to help prevent leaks, but still allow the wood to ventilate and moisture to escape. Do not install asphalt felt like you would with conventional asphalt shingles because the lack of air circulation can trap moisture and cause the wood on the underside of shakes to start to rot and decay.
Installing Better Flashing and Roof Vent Boots to Prevent Leaks in Areas Where Your They Are Most Likely to Start
The flashing on the roof of your home is also important, but there are some areas of shake roofs that are prone to leaks developing. Therefore, it is a good idea to use larger boots that have enough space for a couple of shakes to be installed over them. In addition, reinforce the flashing and seals of boots thoroughly to help ensure that these areas do not leak. If you do have leaks that develop, these are some of the areas you will want to check first for the cause of the problems.
Staining, Cleaning and Caring for Your New Wood Shakes After Installation to Ensure They Last for Many Years to Come
Once you have had the wood shakes installed on your roof, you may want to treat them with a special stain designed for shake roofs. In addition, it is important to keep the surface of wood shakes clean to reduce wear and tear that can lead to leaks and serious damage to your home. As the shakes age, there are also going to be occasional repairs that will be needed, and sometimes, a shake-or-two will need to be replaced to keep minor problems under control.
With the right type of shake materials and improvements during your roof replacement, your new shake roof will last for generations and look great for many years to come. When it is time to replace your old asphalt shingles with some of the available shingle alternatives, contact a roof replacement service and talk to them about some of these solutions for your home.