Green roofs were once reserved for large commercial buildings, but over the past few years, they've started becoming more commonplace for residential homes, too. However, they are still so much less common than roofs made from shingles, tile, and even metal — and with their rarity comes a lot of rumors. Are these rumors about green roofs true? Keep reading to find out!
Rumor: Green roofs are new and experimental.
The Verdict: Not True
Green roofs have become really popular lately as there is a growing emphasis on eco-friendly and energy-efficient living. However, green roofs are a lot older than you might think. They've been used on commercial buildings since the 1940s. So while the idea of using green roofs on homes is just starting to be popularized, roofers have had decades to experiment with these roofs and figure out how they work.
Rumor: Green roofs require frequent watering.
The Verdict: Not True
Are you picturing yourself watering your roof with a hose or a sprinkler? Well, here's the good news: you will need to water a green roof rarely, if ever. Roofing companies plant very water-efficient plants on green roofs. Sedums, which are fleshy plants related to cacti, are often used. Sedums can go for weeks without water, so they can survive with just the natural rain. You may need to water them during a period of severe drought, but in most regions, even this occasional watering is not necessary.
Rumor: Green roofs are too heavy for most homes.
The Verdict: Not Usually True
There may be some homes that are not able to be topped with a green roof. However, this is rare. Most homes can be modified to support this type of roof if they are not already able to do so. Your roofer may need to add some extra supports or change the slope of the roof, but these are things that any roofer installing green roofing should be able to do confidently.
Rumor: Green roofs are bad for people with allergies.
The Verdict: Not Usually True
If you are allergic to a lot of plants, the idea of planting more of them on your roof may be daunting. But most people do not have allergies to the sedums used on roofs. If you suspect you may have a rare allergy to sedums, ask your roofer for a sample of the plants they plan to use, and spend some time around them to see if you suffer symptoms.
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of green roofs! Find a roofing contractor in your area who installs these roofs; they can help you.